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I receive countless messages from guys that want to be porn actors. I get it. It's obviously and understandably the dream job of many many men. It was my dream job too, which is why I pursued it so avidly. But as someone blessed with the honor of appearing in a few JAV videos myself, I can tell you that it's not all it's cracked up to be.

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Just a quick announcement! Kinda like those myriad Japanese point-cards, CJ Premium members now get an additional perk with their subscription--25% off all download purchases via a special member's-only discount code.
The code is written on the login welcome page. Please feel free to use it during checkout from the CJ clipstore.
Please accept this little bonus as a token of my gratitude to all CJ Premium members. You help keep the Covert Japan Project alive and thriving, and for that I am eternally grateful.
Peace & Blessings,

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Mikan's Magical Japanese Lesson (2020)

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